Cards provide you with responsive and shareable embeds to drive the reach of your websites, blog posts, and articles. Our code generator makes it super simple to create a card of any site.

The follow explains how to use platform.js to programmatically create cards.


This adds platform.js to your site and loads the script asynchronously. By
default platform.js will create a card for an A tag or BLOCKQUOTE
with the class embedly-card. For example, this will create a card for

<a href="" class="embedly-card">Embedly</a>

And this will also create a card:

<blockquote class="embedly-card">
    <h4><a href="">Documentation</a></h4>
      Embedly's Documentation is the best.

The difference here, is that the H4 will become the title of the Card and
the P text will become the description.


There are a number of data-card-* attributes that you can use to customize
the card. They are as follows:

data-card-viaURL i.e http://embed.lySpecifies the via content in the card. It's a great way to do attribution.
data-card-chrome"1", "0"Chrome of 0 will remove the left hand colored border.
data-card-theme"light", "dark"For dark backgrounds it's better to specify the dark theme.
data-card-imageURL i.e. which image to use in article cards.
data-card-embedURL i.e. of using the static page content, the card will embed the video or rich media.
data-card-controls"1", "0"Enable Share Icons. Default: "1"
data-card-width"100%", "300px", etc.Sets the width of the card. Specifically the max-width, so card is still responsive.
data-card-align"left", "center", "right"Align the card, Default: "center"
data-card-recommend"1", "0"Disable Embedly Recommendations on video and rich cards. Default: 1
data-card-key"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"You Embedly API Key. If you are a paid user this will remove Embedly's branding from the cards.


Platform.js has some pretty interesting features for customizing cards further. For example, if you do not want to use a custom class instead of embedly-card you can use the following code:

embedly('card', '.card-this');

If you would like to create a card from a single element you can do the

var a = document.getElementById('#myCard');
 embedly('card', a);

Lastly if you would like to limit the cards to only embed certain types of
media you can pass in a types argument::

embedly('card', {types: ['rich', 'video', 'image']});

or with a custom selector as well:

embedly('card', {selector: 'a.embed', types: ['article', 'image']});

If platform.js has not loaded yet, it will queue actions till we are ready
to act on them.


When using cards in non-standard displays you may want to listen to some events. Cards supports the following events.


When the card has actually been rendered.

embedly('on', 'card.rendered', function(iframe){
  // iframe is the card iframe that we used to render the event.
  $card = $(iframe);

  // Grab the width and height.
  console.log($card.width(), $card.height());


When the card has been resized. We do this fairly often when the browser window has changed size, or the content in the card has changed.

embedly('on', 'card.resize', function(iframe){
  // iframe is the card iframe that we used to render the event.
  $card = $(iframe);

  // Grab the width and height.
  console.log($card.width(), $card.height());


If you would like to set options globally instead of per card you use
defaults. Here's an example of setting all the cards to align right with a
width of 700px and remove the chrome.

embedly("defaults", {
  cards: {
    key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    width: 700,
    align: 'right',
    chrome: 0

Note that data attributes on the card override these defaults. If you wish for the defaults to override the data attributes, you can add override: true like so:

embedly("defaults", {
  cards: {
    override: true,
    width: '90%',


Embedly gives you programmatic control of embedded video via Player.js and we've expanded that to Cards as well. Player allows you to play, pause, seek and listen to events for cards with video. Here's a quick example:

embedly('player', function(player){
  console.log(player.url) // URL of the media that we are operating on.

  // When the user pauses a video, perform an action.
  player.on('pause', function(){
    //display modal.

  // Autoplay all the videos that support Player.js

Learn more about the Player functionality

CSS Customization


CSS is only available on a paid plan.

You can upgrade inside

Embedly allows you to customize the styles inside a card. If you want to change the font or colors of the card than this feature is for you! There are a couple of ways to pass styles into a card. We will outline them here.


You can specify the css styles inline via a style tag. Embedly will look for a single style tag with the embedly-css and use that CSS.

<style class="embedly-css">
  @import url(;
  .card {
    font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif;
  .card a, .card .action {
    color: red;
  .hdr {


You can specify a stylesheet for Embedly to place inside the card via a link tag. Embedly will look for a single link tag with the embedly-css and use that CSS.

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


Lastly you can pass the css through defaults like so:

embedly("defaults", {
  cards: {
    key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
		css: ''


Remove Branding

Cards includes a "powered by Embedly" logo at the bottom of every card. If you would like to removed this branding, you can upgrade to a the embed product in

Any card created through will have branding removed within 24 hours due to browser caching.

For cards not generated through you must include your API key, found here. You can do this one of two ways.

On the Card

<a href="embedly-card" data-card-key="XXXXXXXXXXXX" href=""></a>

Via JavaScript

embedly("defaults", {
  cards: {
    key: 'XXXXXXXXXXXX',